We did it. It's done.
Today I am grateful that I don't have to use my arms to gently lower myself onto the toilet like I have been doing since Monday because my quads hurt so much. Ah well, at least I didn't end up in the medic tent like Michael (don't worry: he's fine).
Michael pulled in 3:16 and I came in just under 3:31, beating my previous personal best by almost eight minutes.
So many great stories. The Wellsley Scream Tunnel. Everything Boston. Chowdah. Harvard and MIT. The mind blowing contemporary art we took in today. The T. Boston Commons. I love it here.
However, I shall be returning tomorrow.
I'll be the one in the blue and yellow jacket.
Thanks, everyone, for all your kind wishes!
That's a great time. Days, right? That can't be in hours.
Right. Time for you to find a new hobby cos this blog is just not a comfortable zone for me with all this crazy running going on.
How aboot a beading? You know, making little necklaces and stuff.
You are my hero! Woo fucking Hoo! I bow to you for many reasons and this is only one. I am proud to know you.
Guys, I am SO taking a break after this!
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