Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day Three: I'll not bore you with the details (ha! I'm a liar)

Well, I've already blogged about the race itself, so I'll tell you what happened after I crossed the finish.
It hurt a lot.
Then I went to the area where I was supposed to meet Michael and he should've been there but wasn't. I waited and waited and it was bloody cold and I was starting to freeze my nuts off and just when I was about to call it quits I see him. He is wrapped in those foil things they give the runners to keep warm. He was wrapped in them because he had just come from the medic tent.
Apparently, while waiting for me, he got too cold and a medic saw him and brought him into the (heated) tent, took his temperature (which was too low) and gave him hot Gatorade to warm him up. He was shaking uncontrollably.
Nice, right?
We made a great couple, meandering through the streets to get home. We could have taken the subway, but I was unable to bend my legs because they hurt so much so we walked the two miles back to the hotel, freezing and whinging the entire time.
But the people! Everyone was congratulating us and we were walking along the course and runners were still coming in and we cheered for them. The people in this city, man. They are so into their sports and so supportive of the marathoners. I have never been congratulated so many times in my life for anything. And from complete strangers! It was an incredible experience.
We met up with our North Shore contingent for a post race dinner at a place where the premise is that the staff is rude to you on purpose. Because this is enjoyable. Because, after running 26.2 miles, I want to be yelled at while trying to order some food. It was not an enjoyable atmosphere, though I was glad to see so many people from the clinic and swap stories with them. I run with such awesome people.
We took transit home because I'd had two glasses of wine and this enabled me to descend stairs without screaming in pain.


judith said...

I've never been to Boston, but everyone I know who has, says the people there are great. I'm going to have to put this place on my list of places to see.

Duder said...

It's a very beautiful city. Easy to walk around or take transit. The people were nice and I would go back in a heartbeat if I had the chance!