Thursday, April 30, 2009

Go Canucks! (just kidding, I totally don't give a shit, nor do I have cable)

My case of swine flu seems to be ebbing, so I'm pretty happy about that.
Today. Today today today. It was really sunny and warm. Came home and went for a (slowwwww) 5k with Michael and another couple of runners. Michael wore a Boston shirt he bought in, um, Boston. I don't know why I bought the pullover and the jacket. I am not a showy person and now I'm trying to think of appropriate times to even wear this stuff. 5ks? Bar mitzvahs? AA meetings? It's so hard to tell.
Glad to be running again, even though my body's still a bit sluggish and tweaky. I was berating myself as I ran home from the clinic because it took us over 27 minutes to do the 5k and I should have done it in 25 minutes at the slowest. And then it dawned on me that it's okay because a) I don't have to run a marathon in the near future and b) I just ran 42 kilometres at a 5 minute per kilometre pace (I still don't understand how I managed that), so it's all good. Sometimes I get a little obsessive about things.
Looking forward to cheering people on on Sunday. I've never been a spectator for a marathon before. I hope I can be as supportive and encouraging to my running mates as they've been to me over the past few months. I can't wait to see them all in action.
Wow. What a really boring post. Hopefully I'll do something exciting and non-running related in the immediate future.
I'm likely getting nicely buzzed on a patio after work tomorrow, so maybe I'll have an interesting story about falling down the stairs, or leaving without paying my bill, or trying to pick up the drummer of the house band.
None of which I have ever done before.

1 comment:

jomamma said...

Sounds like such an exciting weekend. I'm going to put on one of those fabric monkey masks and go to the grocery store!!!!

You run faster than the car my son just bought!