Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bring that beat back to me again

Called in sick to work today. Where does all the phlegm come from for chrissakes?
Must stop being so egotistical. I have been quite off course over the last little while. Need to be more zen. More in the here and now. More accepting.
Maybe my lack of inner peace has made me sick.
Or maybe it's swine flu.
Yeah. It's lack of running.
Everything gets messed up when I slow down.


judith said...

Are these flowers in your house? They are beautiful, but they could be causing more congestion. Cut flowers still pollinate between the hours of midnight and 6 in the morning. I'm sure you got your head cold from the plane but the flowers may not help matters.

Duder said...

They are in my house, but I've had my windows open all weekend so I'm not too concerned about it. It's just a stupid cold I picked up on the plane that I'm having trouble shaking because I'm worn down.
I'll kick it's ass shortly.
They are pretty, though! They're from my friends. I love my friends. :)