Friday, February 20, 2009

World of Warcraft

Today I worked, cause that's what one does.
Then I came home and went to the gym. Cause why work out five days a week when you can work out six days a week? And, horror of horrors, two guys came into the gym while I was there. 90% of the time I get the gym to myself, but oh no, I get these two guys.... sigh. So I ramped up the music on the Shuffle and hogged the bench press for, um, bench presses and tricep dips and ab work and then they left. It's all about the bench press. It is the coveted machine.
Started packing. Michael came over. Ate way too much and watched way too much South Park. We watched "Make Love Not Warcraft" and laughed at these kids' addiction to World of Warcraft and then Michael said, "Bed time" and I said, "Do you mind if I stay up? I've got to blog". Ha. Who's a loser now?
Hmm. He brings over dinner, rubs my feet and calves, sprawls on the couch with me and, when I tuck him into bed and ask him if he'd like another pillow to hold he says "No, I just want to hold you" and then I leave to go blog about nothing for an indeterminate length of time and he looked really cute in his jeans and t-shirt tonight...
Yeah. Okay.
Make love, not blog posts.
Nightie night.

1 comment:

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

What? You could have had a serious luuuuuurve session and you chose to blog? I'm sure you could get therapy for that. But first you have to admit to yourself that you have a problem ;-)