Sunday, February 8, 2009

I snore. Who knew?

After the run I went down to Michael's and we went for a little walk and then for lunch and then we napped. For like two hours.
Okay, the other night I stayed over there and he said within a minute or two of me lying down I was out cold. And apparently I was snuggled up behind him and he was about to fall off the bed and was totally uncomfortable, but he didn't do anything about it. I was like "Just push me away" but he would never do that. He's so funny. The point being that he was amazed at how quickly I fell asleep. I've been pretty tired lately because I've been quite busy and it seems like I'm only ever home for about an hour or two at a time which is kind of jarring.
So today we go for a nap cause we're both knackered and we chat about some stuff and then I guess I was out cold and snoring. Super sexy. But I was so tired today, before we even went for a walk and for lunch.
Anyways. Michael said "I didn't know you snored". In eight years I haven't exhibited a lot of snoring tendencies, but I was so exhausted today. It was funny.
What else, what else.
I'm super tight and my lower back is killing me. Michael suggested this stretching technique where you put your legs above your head. Yeah. So, I'm not even kidding. I've been doing that a bit tonight. Putting my legs over my head.


Margarita Mirasol said...

I did a lot of the same exercise over the winter vacation and beyond. Totally toned up my thighs. Tee hee.
I miss it.

Margarita Mirasol said...

I tell ya, it's NOT FAIR. I am one of what seems to be a few highly sexed chicks on the planet, and I have to put up with Dick Distance.

And all those chicks with dicks-on-tap? They have headaches!!!

God! Why do you forsake me!??
(Not LA God, the Big One)

Duder said...

Yeah. Unfortunately I mean that I've been literally putting my legs over head. By myself like. It does seem to be helping my lower back, but it's not nearly as fun as the other legs over the head event.
Yoga, I mean. Cough.

Margarita Mirasol said...

Oops. I forgot your mother reads this blog.

Duder said...

LOL: Dick Distance. That's great.
I'm highly sexed too.
And then I get up at facking 7am and run for close to 2 hours and it kind of wears off around NAPTIME/SNOREFEST apparently.
Need to stop marathoning and refocus on shagging. I think someone should commission a survey on the sex life of marathoners, cause I bet it's grim.

Duder said...

Ashually, I haven't seen my mom check in for some time.
I think she's given up on me.
Wot? I think it's all pretty PG here.

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

Just my luck - two highly sexed hot chicks and you're both thousands of miles away and spoken for. Damn! ;-)

judith said...

Duder, try this for the low back, sit with the soles of your feet touching, you know buttlerfly your legs, reach your arms in under your ankles so that your elbows are on the floor. As you breath out, suck in your belly button really far and bend over farther at the same time. Hold it there... then relax, rise up a bit and repeat. This expands the vertebra and helps align the spine and discs.

Duder said...

Thanks, Jomamma! I will try that this afternoon.
Back pain sucks.

judith said...

Don't I know it, I just found out I scoliosis and have had it all my life. It's not bad but has caused my out of aligned hips to pop and now I'm probably bone on bone in the right hip socket. It also causes a lot of nerve pain down my legs. But if I keep my yoga up then I can keep my 4 mile a day walks up and then I don't hurt so bad. I just got a new yoga book Yoga For Arthritis. I'm really not that old, it's just that my grandmother had the really bad kind of arthritis at a very young age. And it's hereditary.

judith said...

I also have a brain fart that causes me to leave the word THE out of sentences. I wonder if Gas-X would help.

Duder said...

Wow. I'm sorry to hear that Jomamma. But that's great that you're managing it and keeping an active lifestyle.