I puttered for a while, finished the book I was reading and then thought screw it, I'm gonna nap. I turned down the jazz on KCSM and started dozing off but I didn't turn the volume down low enough so every once in a while this uptempo song would come on and some trumpets would blare or the announcer would speak and I'd be like, wuzzat? wussgoingon? But I was too tired to get off the couch and turn it down further. Michael called, I think he came in at around 1:35 for the half. He got a medal. I think he has two more medals than me. That kinda pisses me off. No, I'm not competitive at all. What can I say? I do it for the bling. We went for a walk in the gorgeous sun and then had dinner at the quay and went back to his place and watched all the good shows: Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad and King of the Hill. It's a sad state of affairs when the only things I can stand to watch are cartoons, CBC, The Office and 30 Rock (and Mike Weir whenever he makes the cut). Everything else is shit and you'll get smarter watching lead-based paint dry. Which leads me to Ann Coulter who is just... yeah. I mean, I don't get it. Michael and I hashed it out until like 1am on Friday night and have decided that she is one of two things: supremely mentally stunted; or she does and says the things she does and says to make money. And if it's the making money thing, and she gets up every morning and decides to do things like slag Canada and Obama and everything remotely liberal (normal) and get people whipped up into a hysteria, all the while looking like she's in dire need of a huge and juicy steak and stalling for time because she's too dumb to come back with educated and well thought out responses, then she needs to line up against the wall with Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld and Stephen Harper and wear a blindfold and smoke that final cigarette and be removed from our society.
Wow. I realize that's really off topic, but I'm just so tired of our media and a lot of things and I don't understand how people like Bill O'Reilly have their own fucking news shows when people like Al Franken are still fighting to get elected. And why does anyone listen to Ann Coulter? When she opens her great gaping maw to speak, someone should just shove a doughnut in it and bid her farewell. Who is buying her books? Who is that fundamentally stupid? Okay. I'm sorry. I'll stop now. I haven't ranted in a while. I'm quite sated now. Got a cigarette? Whew. I'm spent. Where was I? Yes. I had a delightful afternoon. Michael hasn't shaved in a couple of days and I find stubble sexy. Our waitress at dinner had gigantic, phony boobs which Michael found sexy. It was win win all around.
I love stubble/a well-trimmed beard. Especially.... We won't got there but boy do I miss it. I always request that my lover grow his beard for me when we meet; which he doesn't mind doing. He's so dashing....sigh.....
Mmmmm stubble! The hubby still only has half a beard from the radiation burn off. It's like a 3" chin strap from ear to ear that's still smooth as a baby's butt. So his stubble is more like a fat goatee. I hope it all grows back some day... I miss it so.
I think Ann Coulter has a death wish. I can't handle Bill either, or Giraldo Rivera. Maybe we should have Homer and the Family Guy doing the news shows. That little baby from the Family Guy would be good.
You guys are funny. OE: good job on the stubble. Jomamma: Stewie doing the news would be awesome, maybe he could be Jon Stewart's sidekick. Overboard: you might want to look up Al Franken and see who he is. He wrote a book called "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" and hates Bill O'Reilly (who you should also know because he could be satan but he's not cause he's too dumb). Oh. Good morning everyone!
I love stubble/a well-trimmed beard. Especially....
We won't got there but boy do I miss it. I always request that my lover grow his beard for me when we meet; which he doesn't mind doing.
He's so dashing....sigh.....
I thought Ann Coulter was hot until I heard her speak.
I usually have stubble when I'm not working, which is like, now.
Considering you are a man of leisure, you don't blog much.
OK, just for you, there's a blog postette on the way. Honestly, the things I have to do ;-)
Mmmmm stubble! The hubby still only has half a beard from the radiation burn off. It's like a 3" chin strap from ear to ear that's still smooth as a baby's butt. So his stubble is more like a fat goatee. I hope it all grows back some day... I miss it so.
I think Ann Coulter has a death wish. I can't handle Bill either, or Giraldo Rivera. Maybe we should have Homer and the Family Guy doing the news shows. That little baby from the Family Guy would be good.
Am I lucky in that I haven't heard of one person who you are writing about.
You guys are funny.
OE: good job on the stubble.
Jomamma: Stewie doing the news would be awesome, maybe he could be Jon Stewart's sidekick.
Overboard: you might want to look up Al Franken and see who he is. He wrote a book called "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" and hates Bill O'Reilly (who you should also know because he could be satan but he's not cause he's too dumb).
Oh. Good morning everyone!
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