Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My cup runneth over

The interview was a smash hit. I think this is because I wore my glasses. My brother sez I look smart when I ware them. They also help me see, which is a neat bonus.
Anyways, I'm going for a second interview with them tonight.
I am joyous. My life is abundant. I have another interview at 10am tomorrow, possibly one in the afternoon, and then another (as in 'second') second interview on Friday morning. Oh, and a recruiter just called me, hasn't met me, but wants to put my resume in front of another company downtown.
Plus? Get a load of this: I got my car washed. I think I was in line for half an hour, but I was reading (UPDATE: just had a brief telephone interview with yet another company) "Flowers for Algernon" so I was quite content.
Then I went to the liquor store because it's my favourite store in the world and I thought I would pop into the nearby Running Room because I have a gift card and I got a little running hat that fits my tiny pea head and was told that I have $113 left on the card. Sweet.
I'm glad all this is happening now because having many options is nice.


Margarita Mirasol said...

I'm glad your cup runneth. Mine's frozen right now.

judith said...

Woo Hoo, you must have had a huge secret or something.