Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm only 5'6 1/4"

And all this time I've been saying I'm five six and a half.
Where was I? Yes. Sunday Michael and I ran from North Van, over the Lionsgate Bridge, around Stanley Park and to the new convention centre. This will likely not mean much if you don't live here. It was 13.1 miles. We were supposed to go 14 but... well, are you going to tell on us? Cause I will totally buy those boots and kick the shit out of you.
Then I accidentally bought caffeinated pop and told Michael it was caffeine free and so he didn't sleep so good last night and I felt really horrible about that, given that he had worked until 3am on Saturday night. Dammit. I'm such a shit head.
Today I went for my annual check up (where I discovered I am a quarter inch shorter than what I've been purporting). There was some probing involved. You know, I'm still working on the concept of giving hugs out freely and I'm supposed to let a woman that I see once a year put her fingers where? Yeah. Not a fan.
Then I got an oil change and went to a coffee shop and started reading "Flowers for Algernon". Holy crap, this is a great book but I'm already sensing that the ending is going to be super emotional and unbearable. Flowers for Algernon. So I guess the mouse dies... dammit.
Met up with the Newf for dinner which was enjoyable as always. I have such rad friends. I miss living in Kerrisdale cause she and I used to hang out all the time and it's a bit few and far between now.
So. Interview tomorrow morning. And another one on Wednesday morning (for a job actually on the North Shore).
Ummm... that's about it. Pretty freaking boring, eh?
Oh. And it's supposed to snow again.
Ooooh! But wine club is happening again on Friday night!! Sweet!! So excited about that. Wanna come? You're more than welcome!


Godinla said...

Aw, you're tiny. I thought that you were a little closer to 5'7". I'm disappointed. Not in your true height but that you obviously Photoshopped your legs in the tub photo from December 22. Those legs look like they belong to a person slightly over 6'8".

Please don't think that I'm some leg freak who remembered the date of seeing your legs in a bubbly tub. I had to look up the date in your history. They are memorable legs though, ma'am.

Anonymous said...

People's height varies by a few inches according to the time of day.

You wake up tall and then gradually shrink. Unless you lie around on the sofa all day of course. I'd imagine runners get it worse, all that impact.

judith said...

I'm 5'7"... I took you to be a tad taller also. Ha, I love learning that I'm shorter in the evenings... that will come in handy, "honey I can't cook tonight... I'm too short to reach the oregano!"

I have to sit and type all day, that's probably why my spine is compacting at the base... probably explains my ever expanding butt too.

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

That's interesting cos I always thought I was 6'2 1/2" but just before Christmas I got measured and I'm 6'2 1/4". Maybe gravity is stronger at this time of year and we all shrink a bit?

Duder said...

Well, given that I'm no longer employed I have been lying around on the couch more than usual. And running also. Plus I seem to be afflicted with the same seasonal disorder as Ocean Escape.
So next season when I am employed and have finished Boston I will no doubt be 5'8"...

Anonymous said...

No no no, employment and running will shrink you.

You could be down to 4 foot.

I can only suggest urgently dangling by your feet.

Duder said...

Oh! I didn't realize the situation was so dire. I will definitely now rig up something so that I can dangle upsidedown for a prolonged period of time.
Or maybe I'll have a nap.
Decisions, decisions...