Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm kinda bored

But I have stuff to do. I need to get "The Jesus Incident". I need to read "The Jesus Incident". I must make some headway on my Sudoku puzzles. Laundry. Gym. Clean the place. Watch a Woody Allen movie.
Feeling kind of unmotivated. This likely has to do with the large lunch (plus a beer) I had which has made me sleepy.
Here is the interesting thing that happened to me today. Cause I know you live for these insights into my utterly mundane life (which actually isn't mundane, it's really rather fantastic, but I'm just feeling particularly morose right now). I was waiting to catch the bus down to the seabus and it was pissing out. See, we've exchanged copious amounts of snowfall for copious amounts of rainfall which is going to result in copious amounts of flooding. So I'm standing under the bus shelter, the bus pulls up and people start to clamber on. In anticipation of boarding the bus I close my umbrella. I am wearing makeup and my hair is somewhat normal looking given that I was on my way to meet a recruiter, so I was really rather hoping not to get wet. Anyways, the people in front of me seemed to be taking a long time getting out their transit passes and fumbling for adequate change and I'm getting rained on am recovering from tonsillitis so I put my umbrella back up and the guy behind me mutters "That's smart" just as the line starts to move forward and I board the bus.
Hey - Smart Guy - fuck you and here's why:
You're a loser for not saying something directly to my face instead of muttering it under your breath like the wimp you are. Clearly you noticed that I was wearing my shit kicking boots and wisely opted not to say something directly to me out of fear that I would open a can of whoop ass like you've never seen.
You're a pathetic person for making the comment in the first place. Why the shit do you care if I open my umbrella for ten seconds or two seconds or if I open it fifteen times in three minutes? Get a life! Is this the best you can do? Is this the only thing that you can think to comment on? Did it wreck your day? Did it negatively affect you in some profound fashion that I'm unaware of?
The more I think of it, the more I feel sorry for your sad existence: making snide comments at young women that open their umbrellas while waiting to board the bus. Wow. Just, wow.
Finally? I liked the way you wouldn't let me get off the bus in front of you as a gentleman would (as I was actually seated in front of you). But I think you made it resolutely clear that you are several shades shy of winning that particular designation.
Oh, and when you hoofed it off the seabus and booked it up the escalator as though to showcase your physical prowess? And then I caught up with you cause, um, I run marathons and I can run circles around you even though I'm still a bit sickly? How did you like that? Did you like the view from behind? It's a nice view, isn't it.
And, weirdly, when I saw you later that afternoon as I was heading to meet Ex-Work Husband for coffee it occurred to me: you have a jerky face.
That's smart, fucktard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i see your outlook is bright and cheery as ever, good for you!