Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I think the interview went pretty well.
Met up with Ex-Work Husband for coffee afterwards. I must see "A Very British Gangster". Wait, is that what it was called? My mind is a sieve these days.
Um, what else.
Ha. Facing some inescapable truths these days. Ignorance is bliss when you want to be a shit heel, like what I am.
I've come to realize that I am seeking the attention that I feel I am not currently getting.
I also realize that you get back what you put out there, and I haven't been putting anything good out there, so I need to change that.
Now I have to turn around and go back to Vancouver for book club even though it's a dark and foggy as all get out tonight and I'm feeling fragile.
Shhh... don't tell anyone.


judith said...

Good hair... not to high and not to tight.

Parts of that post sounded like a horoscope.

Duder said...

He he. Actually, that's a pic from this past summer.
My hair's a bit shorter than that currently.
A lot of women are giving me sly looks...