Thursday, January 8, 2009

Do we make our own reality?

I officially give up.
I got about four hours sleep last night.
I did SFA all day today.
My five kilometre run took me over half an hour (it was like a goddamn skating rink out there tonight).
I had an amazing debacle with a bottle of wine earlier in the evening.
My boyfriend isn't speaking to me.
I am too stupid to fix my wireless connection.
And I have a wicked hangnail.


judith said...

Just a few weeks ago someone corrected me when I said something about we couldn't compare our weather with Vancouver's, that we don't get ice and snow like in Vancouver or something like that. They said "oh we don't get that much." It wasn't you who said it, I wish I could remember.... never say never. Jolea was told the same when she went to Seattle... and look at them this year. I'm glad she's out of there (she is too) I don't think she could have handled it. I think you have to grow up in that kind of weather to be tolerant of it. Although a brother-in-law moved to Park City, UT to be a ski bum and stayed 25 years.

It's 61 here! 5AM and 61 degrees..
no wonder I'm sweating. This is crazy.

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

The problem with doing SFA all day is that it throws your body completely out of sync - that's why your sleep pattern goes awol. I speak from experience.

What's a hangnail? Is it the same as a hangover?

Duder said...

Ha, no. A hangnail is like... um, how to explain? When you pick at the bit of skin around your nails and, uh, it bleeds and looks totally disgusting?
Yeah. That's what I do when I'm stressed. It's a beautiful thing.

judith said...

You should stay on the same sleep schedule all the time even when you are not working. That's why I wake up at 5 every morning and pass out around 9 every night. Yeah... it really makes you the life of the party....

At least you get to watch Letterman.