Friday, January 16, 2009

And then

I met D for dinner. D hired me for my first job when I was eighteen years old. I worked for her for four years and I kept in touch with her after I left. So we've been in touch over the last ten years. Every time I get together with her it's a great evening. She's a wonderful, determined, fantastic, interesting, successful and attractive woman and I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to work with her in the past and to be able to see her from time to time as the years go past.
So 2008 wasn't a good year for either of us. My dad died and I lost my job. She has been diagnosed with cancer. I just can't freaking believe that. She's in her fifties and she looks at least ten years younger: super attractive woman. She's actually a grandmother and she's just in love with her grand kids. I dunno. What do you say. She said that once you cross over into your fifties the concept of death becomes more real. I get that. I get that it's random and, with what happened to my dad, I understand that your life could end at any moment. And you have but one life.
Then we talked about fear and the impact that it has on our lives. How much do you let fear rule your life? How aware of your fear are you? I am a very fearful person. I don't know where this comes from. I like to think that I am my father's daughter, but one thing my father was not was fearful. Holy crap. He lived the hell out of his life. When did I become so scared to take risks and have adventures?
So then we started talking about travelling and I mentioned that I'd never been to Europe, but that I'd like to go. And D said we should go. And I laughed. And she said, let's go next Monday. And I was like... ummm.... and you know, the only thing that was holding me back was fear. I don't have a job. I have some money. I have the time. I've always wanted to go. So why not go?
She says she'll send me the flight details on Monday. I'm not sure if I believe her or if it was a scare tactic, but, um, I might be going to Europe in a little over a week.
Yeah. So, uh, that happened.

1 comment:

judith said...

If the opportunity is there to go to Europe... do it. It sounds like one of those times you would regret for the rest of your life if you don't. Do it! I'll keep your socks until you get back.