Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Am I living it right?

Okay. So this "New Earth" book is starting to grow on me. There are some valid points. Being in the Now is a good goal. Need to work on that. Yeah. I need to work on being. I will be a human. Being.
Here's an interesting story (I'm totally lying): I went for lunch yesterday and only ate half of my chicken wrap and salad and I asked if I could take the remains home and I just opened it up and it was all nicely laid out in an environmentally sustainable box and the waitress had even put in a little thing of salad dressing! I thought that was really nice and considerate.
I downloaded St. Elsewhere.
I am going to meet up with Po and Coco and we are going to drink cheap beer and hit on UBC students while discussing Existentialism.
And I ordered a French pornographic cartoon magazine.
Qu'elle surprise!

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