Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Stuff. As it happens.

I keep on waking up at 5.30am.
Some dick thought it appropriate to call into a meeting via his cell on the #240 this morning. Dude: if you've slept in, just make the call from home. Most people on the bus don't give a fuck about whatever the fuck it is you're on about. IPod? Check.
The towel dispenser was messed up in the women's washroom and I cut my finger trying to fix it which filled me with more rage than I thought was warranted. The band aid I hauled out of the First Aid kit, however, must've had some kind of antibacterial coagulant miracle on it, because it's pretty much healed up already.
It was my middle finger.
Work was surprisingly busy.
As each hour progressed I found moving various parts of my body more and more difficult as last night's boot camp took full effect. It's okay. I love it when my body hurts. It means I've done something. Something good, something bad... something.
Made the Robot Liberator laugh harder than I've seen in a long time over coffee.
Had a couple of great convos with Newlywed Guy and Environmental Guy. It's why I go to work. I would kill myself if these people didn't exist to help me believe that there are people who think and care.
Caring is sharing.

1 comment:

judith said...

I used to feel the same way about my body hurting after a good workout. I wanted my butt to hurt so bad after all those squats that I would need help getting off the toilet the next day.