Monday, December 15, 2008

Safety meeting (I will never post such a sappy blog again. EVER.)

What to say. What to say after four years.
It was the Robot Liberator that got me my job at Rtek. He and I met on MSN when I was like 20 or something. I think the fact that I kayaked caught his eye. So I've known him for a long time and I hope that I know him for a long time after this. We have to go see "Slumdog Millionaire". Get on it, man. What, you gotta work or something? I love him because he scored a robot for me at a Christmas party a couple of years ago. And then I coerced him into driving me home even though it was in the opposite direction that he needed to go because the alternative was to get a ride with the CFO. And another time he came to Kerrisdale to take me out for cake. I frickin' love cake.
My first day on the job at Rtek I met Newlywed guy. He probably doesn't remember this, but I showed up early, like the keener I am, and the door was locked. I stood there like a dolt for quite some time and then Newlywed guy showed up (I think he was single back then) and I was like "I think I am going to like my new job". He was really nice to me and had a great sense of humor, but I didn't really get to know him until he and I, Work Husband, Opera Guy and the Robot Liberator formed the "Safety Committee". Frick. I'm going to miss our Safety Meetings big time. And talking politics. And stealing coffee as it's still brewing. And that stupid chair in your office. I was going to totally get a lei and a drink umbrella and a plastic margarita cup and a beach towel and set it up in your office before you got in one morning but... well, I got canned. I love him because after my dad died he took me out for a coffee to "talk about nothing" and it was much needed.
Work Husband. Aww.... I didn't like him at first. So cocky and goddamned young. Always fucking moving my coffee mug around when I was in the washroom, making me think that I had Alzheimer's or some damned thing. NOT FUNNY. He turned out to be a very good friend. Very non-judgemental and always there for coffee or for lunch. Such a juxtaposition between his "I was so fucking hammered on Friday night" stories and our discussions about religion and politics and life in general. You always called me on my shit. I love him because he makes me think and because he was always so attentive to me.
Four years. I'm bummed because I know there's no possible way that I will end up in another environment that was as (socially) enjoyable for me as Rtek was. But I'm happy that over the last couple of years I've got to know some really great people that: make fun of inability to engage in public displays of affection; point and laugh when my face turns red; throw me at the mercy of stilt people (fackers!); have coffee with me when I've nothing to say; have coffee with me when I do have something to say; and accept me for all my social retardation.
Thank you.
I'll never show it or even tip my hand in that direction, but I do love you guys and I will miss you a lot.
Probably more than you'll know.
Newlywed guy: take the robots. Love them. Be kind to them. Replace their batteries as needed and change the sign from "Now what?" to "It's go time!".


Godinla said...

Don't think that it all happened because they were great guys who filled their life-roles perfectly (though they do sound like they did). Duder was an integral part of that wonderful four year mission too. I'm sure they've got glowing praise for you too.

Margarita Mirasol said...

I wouldn't have been able to concentrate at work with such hunks in the office.
p.s This post made me cry.

Duder said...

Glowing praise? Hmmm... I hope so.
But more likely they're like "fack, so glad I don't have to listen to her prattle on over coffee anymore, plus she almost took my eye out with the spine of her umbrella the other day".

Duder said...

And they're not really all that good looking. I photo shopped the crap out of those photos.

judith said...

ha ha... guys make such good friends. Are you sure you weren't canned by the jealous women in the office?
I'd much rather work with a bunch of men than a bunch of women. You don't have to worry about conflicting monthly cycles. We warned our new Asst. Principal that all our (9 of us) cycles overlap so never at any time will he be free of the PMS experience. He keeps my candy dish filled with chocolate at all times. I repay him in Blue Jolly Ranchers.