Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's colder than a witch's tit out there

Yep. Another fond saying of my dad's.
So last night. Not so much the party I had hoped. I was kind of cranky and people weren't as jovial as they were supposed to be and one of the guys was a stockbroker and he was a little stressed and launched a bit of a diatribe about how the economy's going down the shitter and we sort of never got our groove back after that.
I blame El Nino.
Michael and I met up with Big D for coffee in his neck of the woods today. Lots of sales on Granville Street though I wasn't really interested in anything except for the new book that Alan Alda has out. I love Alan Alda. M.A.S.H. was effing phenomenal. My dad used to watch it all the time and I would be like twelve or fourteen, come into the den and flop on the chair, see what he was watching, roll my eyes and go up to my room and listen to Guns 'N Roses or something. Started watching it again in my twenties. It's just so goddamn good. They have the series at my library so maybe I'll check them out and watch them all.
Then we went on to my Nana and Ed's annual shindig at their swank pad. It was nice. I like food and wine. It was a packed event! I rebelled slightly and wore a black bra under my white sweater because that's how I roll. Ed's family is nice. We're just a little more casual let's say. I, for one, don't care when Jane Austen's birthday is: do you?
Michael is now at work because that's what he does. I am going to spend my Saturday night listening to SomaFM or CBC Jazz depending on what my mood is and finish "War" and then watch either "Derailed" or "Midnight Cowboy".
Oh, and I have this puzzle called "Alcatraz" which one of the runners gave me and I'm determined to figure it out but the probability is much greater that I'm going to throw it through my sliding glass window because it is frustrating me rather rapidly.


Margarita Mirasol said...

You have a great life.
Just saying.
I was recently emailing with a good friend of mine who lives in Japan. He's invited me down for just after Christmas. It would be nice but I want to just shag shag I asked if we could come in Jan instead, no, cos his bf doesn't get time off(Japan eh) and blah blah blah, my point is this:
I am not a good friend because I am selfish.
I am selfish because I don't have any family.
I have always been in self-preservation mode and this has made me a cold, callous bitch.
I realise this.
However I can be really nice every day to everybody I meet.
My smile is famous.
I smile wherever I go.(Japan kind of kills it cos the smiles go unnoticed)
What am I getting at?
I guess I am thinking it's great you have family, and the reason why you are nicer than me, is cos I made myself harder than stone to get through life, which I kind of regret because it disappoints my friends.
But really, I prefer days of shagging, to sightseeing. I just do.

Duder said...

LOL. I had to re-read my post to try and tie it into your comment.
I'm selfish too. Ridiculously so.
I just started to write out some of the selfish things that I've in the last few years and was so embarassed I had to stop.
I love my family and I do have a great life, but I'm quite sure I'm not nicer than you.

Margarita Mirasol said...

He he.
I know, I went off on a tangent.
It was the noon wine.
A high noon.
Felt great at the time.