Thursday, December 4, 2008

I's scared

I just turned off "Veronica Guerin" because she's alone in the house and there was a knock in the door and she went to answer it and there was no one there and as she looks outside into the darkened night there's another knock coming from somewhere else. Eep.
I live on the 10th floor in a condo with three locks and a tight intercom system and I get drunk and walk home up Lonsdale at all times of the night, but right now I'm scared.
Don't tell anyone. I have a reputation.
To maintain.


Godinla said...

It's cold out here. Open up, Veronica!

Margarita Mirasol said...

The view must be awesome from your place.

judith said...

Movie can scare the crap out of me too, especially those kind that have Poppy-outty scenes. Not thsat kind Msarisa... I develop Turrets Synd. too and start cussing and shouting.

Yeah, why haven't we seen s view from your apt? Do you not have windows? We don't either...