Monday, December 8, 2008

Here is my follow up email

I received the strangest parcel today! I about fell over laughing
when I opened it up. Thank you so much for such a wonderful birthday gift.
Up until recently I had a monkey, but he hit the road after we had a rather heated debate about the proposed bailout of the US auto industry. The little bastard took all the bananas as he stormed out as well (as well as a monkey can storm out, per say, what with his little shiny vest and lugging his organ behind him and asking to be boosted up so he could hit the "Lobby" button
in the elevator), leaving me with muscle cramps due to a severe potassium deficiency for days.
I believe me and new monkey are going to get along just fine. He seems much more even tempered (must be due to his organic nature). I'm currently encouraging people to suggest names for him by saying, "Do you want to touch my monkey? What? What?! Where
are you going??"

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