Monday, December 22, 2008

Cognitive behavioural therapy

Today I went out. There was a lot of snow and so I walked to the seabus which isn't interesting in the least, but I didn't fall which was enjoyable.
I met Skyhammer for coffee. Interesting. A thoroughly enjoyable, articulate, intelligent and intellectual person. We talked about lobsters and x-rays and how well travelled and adventurous we both are. And by "we both" I mean him (though I did have a rather exciting incident with a pop vending machine that wasn't grounded properly when I was in Puerto Vallarta over a decade ago). It's good to talk to people that are enjoyable to talk to. I get something out of it. I feel charged. I wish I could do it more often or all the time or that I could capture the essence of it and save bits for later when I'm having a hard time getting out of bed.
I then went with him to his sword fighting class and though the idea of getting suited up and working out my aggressions while wielding a broadsword was appealing, I had to go and meet my mom for a little shopping and some lunch.
The conversation was average until the end when we started talking about religion. Then it was a good conversation. I don't understand how society just doesn't collectively stand up and shrug off the mantle of religion because it's just the most insane thing ever dreamed up by anyone. I'll not go down that road because I'll be here all night, but if you really want to worship something and award 10% of your income to it? Pick me. I'll occasionally hand you tidbits of wisdom like "beer before liquor: never sicker" and... like, other stuff.
Was going to meet up with Work Husband (though since I no longer work there I'm not sure I can call him that anymore; perhaps Work Ex-husband? Not sure) but it didn't fly and so I had to return my office key in person and was in and out in approximately 12 seconds I think.
Seabus home. Walking up Lonsdale (laden down with super sweet cookies that my mom made which are so super good and I'm going to be the fattest Boston marathoner you ever did see) I had to step to the side to allow an older guy in a scooter to get by. He said thanks and I gave him my patented smile (see photo) which led him to say, "Would you like a ride?". It just warms the cockles knowing that I can still turn the crank of a 70ish man relegated to a motorized vehicle as his means of transport.
Then I got some movies from the library and holy fack, "2046" is not as erotic, short or intelligible as it was purported to be vis a vis the many trailers I have seen. Rotten Tomatoes gave it 84%! Maybe I'm just tired. I'll finish it tomorrow and hopefully be inspired.
So that was my day.
Oh, and I rode the bike of course.
What would life be like without the blessed bike?

1 comment:

judith said...

You can call him the ex-work husband.

That would have been a funny sight to see you on the old man's lap on his 'ride.'