Saturday, December 6, 2008

Canadian politics is getting interesting. But fuck that: it's my birthday.

We slept until almost 11am. I'd say it's cause it's my birthday weekend, but I routinely sleep in until 11am on the weekends cause I goddamn love sleep and I can bloody well do what I want.
Went to visit my Nana and Ed at UBC and I forgot to take pictures of them like usual. Surely they'll be around forever, right? Sigh. They're in such great shape, living on their own, travelling to Florida in March. I hope (and I've said this a million times before) that I look half as good as my Nana does when I'm her age. She's hot. Fack. I hope I look half as good as she does now. We got lots of treats. GRIN.
Then we went to my mom's place and Jay was there and we solved the mystery of the expanding table and how to pour wine (answers: brute force; remove screw cap). Went to Moxies for dinner and we all shared that dessert with the banana deep fried cheesecake ice cream caramel catatonic fat heart stopping stuff and it was soooooo good.
Felix deigned us worthy enough to descend from the bedroom to hide under the kitchen table instead of being the inert lump under my mom's quilt like what he normally is. What a spastic bastard. My mom said quite honestly, "Oh no, I think he's brain damaged". I'm inclined to agree. Poor Felix.
Then we had more dessert cause... um. Yeah. Dessert makes you... stronger... and faster. Shut. Up.
It was low key. I saw the people I wanted to see. Tomorrow's the actual day and I intend to spend it running, sleeping, cleaning my apartment and watching movies.
31 was a tumultuous year, but I'm good.
The horsehoe is still intact.

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