Sunday, November 9, 2008


I guess the prior post still doesn't explain the "love nest" moniker. It's what Michael refers to when he speaks of the apartment that I shared with Rob. He says, "Oh, right: when you were in the love nest". I have no idea why he refers to it thusly but, you know, I've had too much sake.
Do you want to see my lamp again? It's so freaking cool and Michael carried it around for like five hours.


Margarita Mirasol said...

Sake. I knew there was something I wanted to do today. Buy you that sake set.
Tomorrow. After school.
Ooh, I love having things to do.

Duder said...

That's soooo nice! But can I reciprocate? Is there something that I can send you from BC that you'd like? Rain? Smoked salmon? The debtload associated with the 2010 Olympics?
Seriously. If there's some kind of North American item that you feel you need - I'm your girl!