Monday, November 3, 2008

Oh my god! Do you know how happy I am?

It's ridiculous. I'm happier than I was that day that I got to eat some of the flan you see me cutting up there and, let me tell you, that was a pretty frigging great day.
It started out well. Nice bus ride to work. Then I mentioned to a coworker that I had been combing the antique stores on Main Street looking for a heavy, wood door to replace the crap one to my bedroom (I'm a super light sleeper and the elevator makes noises which bother me). Anyways, he tells me that he just swapped out a wooden door in his place for a glass one and if the measurements are the same he would give me a screaming deal on it. Sweet!
Then I got my monthly bus pass and I remembered my pin number when I used my debit card! Okay, that wasn't really that exciting, but it's really embarrassing when I forget it. Which is pretty often. Work Husband was like, "You can change it to something that you can easily remember, you know?" and I was like, "You can do that?" and now he thinks I'm mentally stunted.
Then I had a great conversation with another coworker who was advocating a nearby restaurant and he said he would give me a "money back guarantee" on it. I couldn't quite figure out how that would work, but he said if it wasn't in the top three Chinese places I've ever tried, he would buy my dinner for me, which made me laugh. Then we exchanged library tips and talked about how cool the new North Shore library is (seriously? you check out your own books - it's wild) because things like that excite us. Saucy.
Finally, I'm cooking a great dinner, I picked up "Lars and the Real Girl" for FREE at the library (saving myself five bucks from Rogers which makes me glad) as well as some French and African world music which I've been listening to which leads me to believe that I need more memory on my little Dell here because I've gotten so much fabulous music over the last few weeks that I'm over the moon. Love. Music.
Anyways. I should go. Eat dinner, watch a movie, drink wine.
Oh. So, so happy.

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