Saturday, November 29, 2008

My top five list

Kal Penn has inspired me. In so, so many ways. Uh.... what? Right. I was putting together a list. This list is no particular order, because if any one of the five came up to me and said "I think you're a neurotic mess, but you have a nice ass and I'd like to get to know you better even though I won't remember your name in the morning", I would have to say, "So.... now works for me. Does now work for you? Cause I'm good to go".
  • The aforementioned Kal Penn. Holy sweet Jesus. Have you seen his mouth? I've been in love with him since the original "Harold and Kumar" and not just because of the excessive pot smoking. Did I mention his mouth? He was on some show, like "Law and Order" or something a while ago and even though he ended up being a killer I was still turned on. Fack.

  • Colin Firth. I saw him in "Then She Found Me" a while ago. At one point he's yelling at Helen Hunt and I was thinking "that's one large, articulate, rational, sexy British man" and I wanted to wear a very wooly sweater and curl up against his large frame in front of a roaring fire while sipping whisky and revelling in my good fortune and his British wit and mussy hair. I need to work on my British citizenship.

  • I think the first time Clive Owen did it for me was in that rather scary, dark movie "Sin City". Hot. Gad. Then he was in "Closer" which I thought was a fantastic movie that really showcased his chops. He started out intially scary and dubious, but ended being one of the "good guys". Plus he's rugged and masculine and just unbeliveably hot and it's probably best that we never meet because I would just mutter inarticulate things (which I do at the best of times) and then walk into a wall or some goddamn stupid thing.

  • I'm gonna interject that this my blog, not yours. Next up is Topher Grace. He kinda reminds me of someone I know. Hot. Unassuming. Hot. And also unassuming. That kind of college-kid thing with the wry grin and the sense of humor and stuff... I dunno. Hot. But earnest and endearing and awkward and passionate.


Margarita Mirasol said...

I once had a huge crush on Owen Wilson. People who make me laugh and glow with health, totally turn me on. I meet such folks, like, uh, once every three decades.

judith said...

Good choices.

Duder said...

Ah yes, I remember the Owen Wilson crush. That was quite serious. I like Luke Wilson. Something about that look of bewilderment on his face...