Sunday, November 9, 2008

The "love nest" story

Further to my prior post, allow me to fill you in on the details as to why the place that I used to live in in Burnaby is now referred to as the "love nest".
Many years ago... like nine or ten? I was embroiled in a relationship with a gentleman by the name of Rob. Nice guy. Different values and views (he wanted kids and I didn't; different views on money) and it culminated in our break up.
At the time I was working for an organic produce wholesale company in Burnaby. As was a guy named Michael. So this Michael guy had a pretty good sense of humour and was nice, but I never really "noticed" him.
One day I went over to the tech area to see him about an issue (for full disclosure: his boss at the time was Big D, who remains a close friend to this day) and I looked down at him and he was wearing this form fitting black t-shirt and a hat and I was like, "holy shit, this guy is really goddamn good looking". I had worked with him for months but I'd never really "noticed" him. Anyways, I probably said something totally sarcastic and biting and he probably installed a bunch of viruses on my computer, but ultimately we both ended up running the Vancouver Sun Run since the company was chipping in to foot our entrance fees.
This was my first 10k. For training, I ran 3k on a regular basis. And was winded. Let's just say I wasn't being all that I could be. Big D was in the same boat as I was and we ended up walking/running it together and it took us about an hour and a half (I can now bang off 10k in about 46 minutes). At any rate, after the Sun Run we were supposed to meet at a local restaurant with our coworkers, which we did. Michael was there. He drank a lot of pop (I'm guessing I had a beer). He then offered to give me and Big D a lift home, dropping Big D first. As we drove towards Burnaby I asked him about the girl he had been at the last Christmas party with and it appeared that she was out of the picture so I was like (score) "oh, that's too bad".
We get to Burnaby and, because he's had too much pop, needs to use my bathroom, so he comes up the apartment that I was sharing with Rob (who was working) and uses my lav and then leaves.
The totally stupid bit comes here: to get to the Sun Run I had driven my car to Metrotown and then taken the Skytrain downtown. I forgot my car. So I had to wait until Rob came home and then explained to him that I had gotten a lift from a coworker and had forgotten my, um, car, so he had to give me a lift to get it.
Blah blah. Fast forward: Rob and I were on divergent paths; we went to Cancun but I was emotionally vacant; we returned and separated; I continued my witty repartee with Michael and eventually ended up in his apartment in Kerrisdale with him telling me that I wasn't allowed to leave that particular night because all the streets were closed because they were shooting "Josie and the Pussycats" (they actually were) and, voila, eight year later here we are.


Margarita Mirasol said...

That's a nice story.
I fell in love in the boatyard. We finally got it together one day on my boat. It was May. It was hot. Like 90 degs in the boat. Jack, my crew, was out with Nate. Within seconds of the man I had fallen in love with on March 20th, entering my boat, I had my knickers off.
Then Jack came back to the boat for something and there I was with legs in the air and well, you get the picture, sorry for that.
We quickly rerobed and went and vacantlylooked at the diesel engine with Jack.
Then Jack left and well, the Mexican guys working on the boat next door, went quiet and well, we think they were watching through the port hole.
Tee hee.
Later on, Jack, bless his cotton socks, said, 'I can't believe you were doing it in the middle of the day!'
Tee hee.
So that's my story.
I know it's a bit too much informationee but I am feeling the urge to tell the world all my steamy stories. Sorry for choosing your comment boxes to offload.

Duder said...

Oh my god, that's hilarious and terrifying! You had a good crew.
Ah... sex and love. Is there anything more perplexing?
Thank god I've never been caught en flagrante delicto...

judith said...

As I'm sitting here with the song "Love Shack" in my head, getting caught makes me think of when the boy child was only 2 and his question to us was "Do?" when he walked in and caught us in action.... I was sitting on the dresser! Well sort of sitting. For you two without children.. Do? is how a 2yr old says 'what are you doing?' We still laugh about it...

Margarita Mirasol said...

LOL Jomamma. Heehehehehehe.