Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm not drinking beer

Boy, things are quiet these days. I feel like I'm waiting for something to happen. What do I want to happen? Hmmm... where to begin.
In other news, I was at the gym for way too long. Plus I've left my running watch at Michael's so I couldn't time myself too accurately on the cardio portions. You care, don't you. Right now you're just eating this shit up. You're like, "Yes, I am reading this blog instead of eating/drinking/sleeping/fucking/reading/watching television because it is just that goddamn riveting. Thank you. Thank you, Duder, for yet another useless bit of trivia that has ABSOLUTELY NO MEANING TO ANYONE BUT YOU, you narcissistic twat. God!"
Look. I am being well behaved. The bad thing I did tonight was eat too much biscotti. Blow me. There is a lot worse trouble just waiting for me to fall into it. It's like a trouble pit right outside my door.
Anyways. Michael sent me a couple of pictures that he took. And yes, I totally love that green top that he bought me for my birthday (which hasn't quite arrived yet). The close up is in Victoria. I actually think that photo was taken the afternoon after we ran our marathon (I showered, obviously). I was looking directly into the sun when that picture was taken. I remember pleading with him to hurry up because I was going to be blinded. And the other one was taken at Ambleside in West Van one day when it was really windy. It was such a great day.
Man, B.C.'s a nice place to live.
Except for the trouble pits.


Margarita Mirasol said...

I love that green top. Hallso,thank you for introducing me to Vancouver as I have often heard of it over the past two years and want to visit one day; even more so now that I have seen how cool a place it looks.

judith said...

It does look like a great place.