Thursday, November 6, 2008

I will punch you in the ass

I'm in a shitty mood. There are several reasons for this, not all of which I will share with you. However some of them are: that I have PMS; the weather fucking sucks; the elevator makes too much noise; and I have a zit.
The good news is that I realize a lot of this is beyond my control (and god knows I consistently try and control the weather. Like just now I flung my sliding glass door open and screamed, "Enough with the rain, goddamnit!"). And though all I wanted to do was break plates and scream a lot when I came home, I was rational enough to get to the gym and I did feel better after working out for an hour. It was nice alone time with my zit. I was like, "Are you enjoying the free ride on my face, motherfucker?". That could be misinterpreted.
Speaking of sex, I checked out "Boogie Nights" and "Beaches" while I was at the library today. Yeah, I got hung up in the "B" section it would appear. Namely cause some broad with a baby carriage the size of my car was blocking a complete aisle. Anyways, "Boogie Nights" is really long and I shut it off about halfway because Mark Wahlberg's hair is really, really bad, but I'll pick it up later. What a weird industry porn is. I can't imagine having sex in front of strangers on command. Especially for women, cause you know they're all faking it and it can't be remotely fun and it probably chafes quite a bit.
Um. So that's really about it. Thank god tomorrow's Friday and that I have a four day weekend, because the possibility of me punching someone in the ass is very real at this particular junction.
Oh - funny aside: I was reading this guy's website ( and I almost choked on my own tongue when he was ranting about the Dave Matthews Band (that I happen to LOVE) and he said he wanted to headbutt himself in the face. I'm gonna be using that phrase a lot in the next few days.


Godinla said...

Porn is not intended for you. You must however watch the rest of Boogie Nights (actually, just skip to the last chapter). The movie was made only for the last scene.

PMS passes. Isn't that great?

judith said...

No no girl... this is one of Jolea's lines and I think it will fit for you perfectly.... "I'll kick you right square in the box bitch!" Isn't that good? One of Jolea's best friends told me she had said that to some skank in a bar one night. It's almost Bostonian.... it may be... she has loads of Boston friends. Too bad I don't have the opportunity to use it at school or in the grocery store.

I'm not into rain either... I just can't understand how people survive North of Oklahoma City.... it's like a rain forest up there... tehe.

Margarita Mirasol said...

I love your trousers.
You've got great legs.

Margarita Mirasol said...

I agree with God about Boogie Nights.

Duder said...

Will finish Boogie Nights after work (and the gym) today. You're right, God: porn isn't for me. I remember my girlfriend and I rented one once to be all badass and like ten minutes into it we were saying, "this is really boring" and "he's really hairy". Such concluded my foray into porn (watching).

Duder said...

I totally do dig those pants, too! I got them 4+ years ago and they're a bit too big for me and I look kind of dumpy when I wear them, but they're all nicely worn in and I like the pattern.

Duder said...

Jomamma, it IS like a rainforest up here until like April! But we can never understand how people live in different places. Michael lived in Calgary where it gets so cold that people's tires freeze and they have to hook their car up to keep the engine above a certain temperature.
Can you imagine??

Anonymous said...

I can imagine plugging in your car! i remember having school cancelled because it got to -37!

sometimes it gets to -40 and you can't go outside for more then 10 seconds. but thats how you stay in shape in the dead of winter out there! running to you car from the house! or from you car to the store! or running away from a polar bear!
it all works!