Saturday, November 29, 2008

I feel compelled to confess what a debaucherous life I lead.
Today we got up at 11:30am. Then we had breakfast while discussing nuclear proliferation. Then I met Big D for coffee and I had cake for lunch. This was followed by fantastic, random afternoon sex (with Michael, not Big D).
I will interject that I did some 'work' today, like installing facking Service Pack 3, doing laundry, making dinner, backing up my iTunes, backing up my photos, taking out the garbage and recycling, and measuring my bedroom door (long story... actually, it's not but I just don't feel like explaining it right now).
But right now? I'm thinking I'm not going to the clinic AGAIN tomorrow because I am not getting up at 7am to run 7 miles in the rain when I can do it at 10am. I am watching "The Namesake", drinking Zinfandel and eating smoked oysters, cozily ensconced in my aesthetically pleasing apartment, reclining on my fab couch and feeling all content as I look outside into the darkened, rainy November night.
All that's missing is some shirtless guy to fan me while I do this.
So, uh, are you free?

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