Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fuck I'm stupid. No, my Canon is stupid. Fuck you, Canon.

Alright. So I took my camera with me on our little (okay, it was huge) excursion today. Took some great video footage of Vancouver while we were on the Skytrain, but I did with the camera tilted to a "portrait" kind of footage, versus "landscape". I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to rotate this thing and I'm really quite pissed off. Tips are welcome.
Anyways. Jesus Christ. I mean, why isn't there just some toggle to flip it 90 degrees. What? Right, on with the story. Yes. So it was raining torrentially when I got up at 11:30 this morning. Screw you: I can sleep as late as I want. Futzed around and then called Michael at noon and he was still bed. Mr. "I have to get up because I'm getting bedsores". Mr. "Man, can you ever sleep, Sluggo". Yeah. Well. Ahem. So he's like yeah, let's do something and I said okay, have some breakfast and I'll call you in a bit. So then I start watching "Beaches" again and Michael eventually calls me and I'm like, right: guess I should get a move on.
A millennium later, we hop the bus to Vancouver and take the Skytrain out to Burnaby to see what's shaking. I don't really like Burnaby. Lived there with a boyfriend for about a year in what Michael now refers to as the "love nest" (I just started to write out the story behind the "love nest" but it's so goddamn long I'll just write another post about it, cause it's kind of funny and also really dumb). Anyways, I'm still not entirely clear on what Michael wanted to get out of our trip to Burnaby, and at one point he said, "I really hope I can pull something serendipitous out of my ass, cause I don't really have a game plan". Well, I got a smokin' cool lamp at the Home Depot in Burnaby. It's freaking awesome. And, because of the horseshoe up my ass, I got it for dirt cheap. The sign said $40 and I got it for $30 cause good things happen to girls with short hair (Michael hates my hair).
So. We're in Burnaby with a lamp. We take the lamp on the Skytrain. We couldn't sit together cause this woman sits next to me and then I tap Michael (sitting in front of me) just before the Granville Street station to tell him we need to get off there and the woman says, "Oh, I'm sorry: I didn't realize you were sitting together" and I said, "That's okay, I don't really like him that much anyways" which was good for a laugh.
Then we took the lamp to see "Burn After Reading", which was really kind of funny and by the Coen brothers who are fucking awesome and are responsible for: The Hudsucker Proxy; No Country for Old Men; and - my favourite movie and inspiration for my blog name - The Big Lebowski. I won't get into it, but I do recommend seeing it. It was really unexpected (namely because I don't have cable and I haven't seen any of the trailers) and original. Oh, and it had John Malkovich who I worship.
Then we took the lamp for coffee, and on the seabus and then for dinner. It was a big day. I parted with Michael as we headed up Lonsdale and I felt bad. I mean, reason dictates that we ought to go home together and I felt bad for not doing that, but we were both really tired and I like time alone to unwind at the end of the day, which is REALLY FUNNY because that's what Michael used to say when I would pounce on him when he would come home at like 7 or 8pm and I had been at home since like 5pm and was totally bored. God, I can't believe he lasted 5 years living with me. So I'm apologizing all over the place and he's like, "Um. No worries. I'll see you tomorrow". I love him to death and would step in front of a bullet for him and he's the end all and be all and there's no one better than him, but we both enjoy our alone time too. I dunno. There's something to be said for that. Christ: my parents lived in separate houses. I am not Michael and he is not me and I don't take him for granted and every time we get together it's special and I treasure it. Maybe one day we'll live together again, but it'd have to be a pretty good-sized space.
Hello disjointed blog.
To sum up: public transit in Vancouver and Burnaby rocks. I effing love my lamp and need to get a lightbulb for it tomorrow. I had tons of fun today and we went all over hell's half acre. I love public art. I had the best quesadilla for dinner. I look forward to a decent length run with Michael tomorrow.
I'm loving this four day weekend.
Where in the hell is my period (again)?


Margarita Mirasol said...

You write so well and are so witty. You've become my favourite read. Oh, and Jomamma, of course.
I like your use of punctuation. I have forgotten how to punctuate properly.

I can't believe that you don't live with your lover. It's my dream to be able to sleep next to my darling. I am so lonely now sleeping alone. And the sex. I really miss the morning, noon and night sex. We stayed in bed for the entire month of January this year and all we did was drink wine, smoke, eat chocolate and shag.
I know, too much information, but still, sigh, I miss it.
We even did it in the Beringer car park in Napa Valley, in the van. All afternoon. It was busy, too.

Sorry for using this comment box to talk about my current frustrations.

Duder said...

Thanks for the flattering compliments!
I lived with Michael for 5 years and between his stressful job and lengthy commute and my overall bitchiness, it ended.
Now, when we get together, it's something special and to be treasured and I don't take it for granted like I once did.
I like the idea of shagging lots (and I like Beringer wines!), but - having never really been on "my own" for any great length of time in my life - I like the perks of my individualistic life.
Though, yeah, I think I need to get it on more. I notice I'm a lot happier for the couple of days after I've had a good shag :)

judith said...

The hubister and I have been together for 27.5 years only b/c our house has a garage for him and a deck for me.... there are times when we are in the same vehicle and we are startled when we realize the other one is there.... we are capable of going long lengths of time without saying a word to each other. This wasn't my way in the beginning, but I've adapted... he inherited it from his mom. Currently my sister is in a 5 yr relationship with a guy who she lived with for a couple of years and then bought her own home and now he comes over for conjugal visits... it works! And if it works don't fix it!

Duder said...

I agree, Jomamma. I sometimes wonder whether I really want certain things or whether I feel obligated to do them because of societal pressure.
It ain't broke. I shan't fix it!

Margarita Mirasol said...

I want and need it everyday. But that's cos I have never had it before. I'm 40. The first time I had it everyday, was this year, from Jan to April, so no wonder I'm a desperado.