Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ow, my ovaries

Some runners decided to, well, run this morning at 8:30. The email said that we would be joining the "running group" at the parking lot of a nearby park and that it wouldn't be "too far" or "too fast". I thought, sure! I've been off for a week, it'll be good to ease back into it. I also thought that the running group we were meeting up with was our running group - that we were going to join them in progress so as not to do the full distance that they were doing.
Right. Arrive at the parking lot. The group we are to join is a trail running group. I haven't done any trial running, except a little out at UBC a year ago which, by North Shore standards, is not considered trail running. I don't have trail shoes. I didn't bring water or gels and I wasn't wearing my glasses which is one of the reasons I don't run trails: I can't frickin' see and me and contact lenses don't get along well. And oh yeah: I'm still recovering from a marathon.
Off we go. Michael's done a couple of trail races before so he was up and away. I was convinced I was going to fall in the mud or break my ankle. My heart almost came up out of my throat within the first five minutes, which was really steep. It was muddy, there were small streams and lots of stairs going up and down. I was totally in over my head. I was running and jumping and tripping and stumbling and my ovaries almost fell out. Michael said that it was the most technically challenging segment he'd ever run, which made me feel like a bit less of a dork for holding on to tree branches as I leaped into mud pits and came precariously close to going down some parts on my bum. I went faster than I wanted to go at certain points because more experienced people were behind me and I felt I was letting them down. Then we came back into the parking lot after what was probably 5k and they were continuing on to do another loop which I flat out refused to do, so Michael and N and I ran a nice "trail" (IE a wide, undulating, gravel path) for another half an hour and it was kind of painful. My cardio is there, but my body hasn't gotten over the marathon yet.
Basically, that's the really stupid thing that I did this morning and the thing that I am most proud of is that I didn't break anything or fall. The thing I'm most perplexed about is how I managed to get mud on my hat.
I am now going to have some tea and read. I will likely be asleep in twenty five minutes.


Margarita Mirasol said...

I liked the 'holding onto tree branches as I leaped'.
The image is priceless.

judith said...

You know that's why I don't run anymore... my ovaries fell out and I tripped over them and fell off a cliff.

Well it could happen!

Duder said...

The entire thing was priceless. Michael could hardly stop holding his sides from laughing long enough to make it back to the car. Did I mention I got mud on my hat??
And yes, I do believe it a possibility that one's ovaries might fall out. Lots of jumping and jarring and bouncing motions. I think my spine has been compressed and I'm 4'7" now. Damnit.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't run at all, never did. I admire those who can. It makes my period start, so really my ovaries could be falling out. Just like jumping on a trampoline makes my bladder burst... some activities just don't have a pretty outcome for me. Those are the two I avoid.