Sunday, October 5, 2008

I need socks

Aiight. So I think I overdid it at the gym yesterday because I'm totally exhausted today and it can't be from the 6 miles that we did this morning. My ass really hurts. Too much on the bike, methinks.
Anyways, when we were lounging around at the store and eating Tim Tams I noticed this really great apres-run shirt that was screaming my name. It was also retardedly expensive like everything to do with running is. I tried it on and everyone ooohed and aaahed because the color was good and the fit was good, but I couldn't bring myself to pay ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for it because ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS is so big it needs to be spelled in large letters. Long story short, I'm still whinging over it and Michael says, "You can't buy it" and I say, "What?" and he says, "You have a birthday coming up" and then further discussion led to the realization that these sweaters likely won't be around on December 7th so he said he would buy it for me for my birthday. And I get to wear it now. He he. Perfect day for it: it was freezing when we went for our walk and I'm still wearing it in the apartment cause I refuse to turn my heat on.
But back to my ass. We went shopping for love seats and sat on every love seat and couch within a four kilometre radius. I sat on one and it was really firm and it actually hurt my bum because it's so sore. Oh, here's another ass story. A girl at the clinic this morning said that when one of our fellow runners greeted me he said, "Nice ass, T-" when in fact he said, "Good morning, T-" and then she actually took him aside and said, "What did you just say to her?" and he said, "Um, good morning?" and she then joked that she was kind of jealous that he didn't compliment her on her ass and this led to post-run ass compliments, but the more pressing issue is that I don't really have any recollection of him saying "good morning" or "nice ass" to me this morning, which goes to show how my brainpower is currently focused on other things like how much sitting hurts, and the weird dream I had about Axel Rose last night and whatnot.
Then I bought a bottle of Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot and it was only $9 and it's very good, though not as good as the Frontera Carmenere that I had some months ago (I looked through my wine tasting notes and was pleased to discover that I've had my fair share of Frontera and that I consistently rate it quite highly and the price is right, Bob).
Now it's closing in on 8 o'clock and I'm exhausted and I think I'll be in bed shortly. Or I will drink more wine and dance around my apartment. Leaning towards bed, though.

1 comment:

Margarita Mirasol said...

Love the top and quality truly does pay. The colour and cut are both very flattering. You will wear it forever.
Just like me and my NorthFace Bionic jacket that I bought on a whim at the airport in Cape Town. I never buy stuff in airports but I thought, fack it, and bought it, even though it cost $150. It will last forever, looks pretty cool and is very, very, very warm. Especially when I keep trying it on in 80 degree heat.
p.s I'm drinking Frontera right now. I have stacks of bottles stored. Every time I go to the store, I buy the shelf.