Thursday, October 16, 2008

And then... (is anyone still reading this??)

I grab about six thousand glasses of water and, for a third time, am amazed at how you can go from running a 5.30 kilometre (okay, okay, maybe it was slower than that by the time I dragged my sorry ass over the finish line) to not being able to walk without wincing. What's with that?
I look around for Michael because he, theoretically, should have crossed twenty minutes before me because I'm a lazy bastard. He had also said that he was going to try and make it back to the hotel, grab a camera, come back to the finish and try and get a shot of me crossing the finish line. So I wander (hobble) around for a while, looking for him. I go so far as to clamber onto some statue to survey the area for him. Eventually I see him and, because jumping down from the statue and moving quickly is entirely out of the equation, I scream at him like a banshee and all but faceplant. We hobble towards each other. It's like something out of a bad movie. Cue "Chariots of Fire". It takes us 17 minutes to reach each other and he looks stricken. Like he's going to cry or something. I'm like, no. No. No nonononononono. He didn't make the cutoff. And he says, "Sweetpea..." and then he says, "I'm sorry" and gives me a hug and I'm like, "What? How did you do? What's going on?" and he says, "I couldn't get the camera and get back in time: I missed you crossing the finish line". And I say, "Um, okay. But how was your marathon?" and he shows me his watch which is stopped at 3:14 and change and I was soooo happy and proud.
So we limp back into the food and water area to get more, well, food and water and he's explaining how slowly he was moving to get back to the hotel, to grab the camera and come back. Like, he's moving super, super slow. It was hilarious. So it takes a millennium to get back to the hotel room and in a weird switch of fate he ends up in the same spot I was a year ago: his feet are a mess because his Asics were probably half a size too small and he's got this huge blister on the bottom of his foot and another blister on his toe and you know he's losing at least a couple of toenails which is exactly what happened to me in order for me to qualify a year ago. Weird, eh?
Then we went for lunch with another runner and exchanged running stories. Then we napped. Then we met more runners for drinks and the power went out. I'm not making this up. Then we went for dinner. Then I drank too much because any time you run 26.2 miles you're allowed to eat and drink whatever you want (for a week). Then I took this picture.
Then we woke up and paid our bill and I dropped Michael at the ferry and picked up my mom and we headed up to Lasqueti.

1 comment:

judith said...

Oh what a sit-com moment... that was funny. Would have been funny if other runners would have followed your lead in climbing statues and broad jumping off them. New qualifications to the Boston... you must run, and climb and jump. (He's so sweet... thinking he could run back to the hotel...)