Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Went to the gym tonight. Why. Why do I always forget to associate my neurotic behaviour with lack of exercise? I am high strung, stressed out, wound up and when I don't expend massive quantities of energy on a daily basis, I have a tendency to be difficult.
So what's shaking, what's shaking. Not a lot. Had coffee with the Robot Liberator today. Hot. So hot.
You know what? Everyone's hot these days. I need some action. The gym, chocolate and wine only alleviate so many symptoms. Rrrrr...
What else. I have a job interview tomorrow, so that should prove interesting. And... um. I finished "St. Urbain's Horseman" and I really, really need to brush up on my history because most of the historical references were lost on me because I'm an ignoramus. But it was a good book. It took me a while to get used to Richler's writing style, but that's alright because variety is the spice of life and all that jazz.
The recession is kicking ass. Looking at my portfolio is always... disheartening. I've been spending way too much money (as well as taking unpaid leave from work) and it's gotta stop. Time to tighten up the purse strings since the company that I work is funded by venture capitalists and the government of BC and methinks the gravy train may be coming to a halt in the months to come.
Sex is still free, right?


Godinla said...

Sex is not free. It's got longer, thicker, tanglier (new word for the day) strings than your purse.

Duder said...

Say it ain't so. Cause I can't afford the endless amounts of wine and... well, wine.

Margarita Mirasol said...

Cor. Look at that orb.

judith said...

At least you're still going to the gym... I'm just sitting at home with wine and chocolate. And sex is tanglier but one day it will stop all together and you won't even think about it anymore... ghastly thought. Save your chocolate money and go buy some.

Duder said...

He he.

Anonymous said...

robots are hot? wouldnt the sex be rather clunky?

the robot liberator :-)

Duder said...

Robot Liberator! D'oh! My face is red and I'm not even at work yet...
p.s. I think it would be like a well-oiled machine